
Hebou Constructions (PNG) Ltd strives to achieve mutually beneficial relationships with the communities that we work in. Hebou believes that community relations offer a significant benefit to all parties through improved communication, consultation and education. In this way, we can address public concern about our construction and understand previously unknown issues and opportunities. Hebou believes that giving back to the communities in which we work adds value to our company.


We are committed to building stronger links with the community and helping achieve positive outcomes by actively supporting youth and educational projects, charitable and community organisations. Hebou actively supports education and training for future generations of young Papua New Guineans by providing on the-job-training


Hebou Constructions is committed to minimising, where reasonably practicable, our impact on the natural environment and social surroundings for the benefit of current and future generations by continually improving our environmental performance. Hebou Constructions is committed to undertaking its activities in an environmentally responsible manner and effectively managing any risk that may impact the environment

In order to achieve this commitment, Hebou Constructions will:

●      · Ensure that environmental considerations form part of our business planning and decision- making process.

●      · Assess the environmental aspects & impacts of our operations and manage identified impacts.

●      · Respect and protect our heritage or cultural sites and artefacts, protect flora, fauna, the natural surroundings, preserve biodiversity, and prevent non-approved pollution from Hebou activities.

●      · Comply with applicable environmental laws and other obligations, to which we subscribe that relate to our environmental aspects.

●      · Monitor the environmental effects of our activities to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of this Policy.

●      · Set objectives, targets, plans and performance measurements to assist in the achievement of our environmental Policy and Objectives.

●      · Communicate openly and transparently with the community and stakeholders on environmental matters and minimise disruption to the community in which we operate.

●      • Practise responsible waste disposal and management including the promotion of the efficient use, reuse and recycling of resources, and the minimisation of waste.

●      · Promote a culture of environmental awareness by providing our employees with the skills, awareness and leadership to achieve Hebou’s environmental aspirations.

●      • Ensuring the continued development and implementation of an environmental management system in line with AS/NZ 14001 in compliance with PNG Environmental legislation.

Health & Safety

Hebou Constructions is committed to delivering the highest standards of health, safety and environmental performance. We believe that no-one should suffer harm whilst at work. This Policy statement defines our commitments of our day-to-day business practice. To meet this commitment, Hebou will strive to provide a working environment in which employees, customers, contractors and visitors are not harmed. In order to achieve this commitment, we will deliver our operations and services in ways to:

●      Demonstrate health and safety leadership and commitment through to its managers, supervisors and employees

●      Provide and maintain, as far as practicable, safe work environment, including work conditions, practices and procedures for employees and persons who come in contact with the company.

●      Develop Safety awareness throughout Hebou by inductions and ongoing education, awareness and training of employees and contractors.

●      Take reasonable steps to eliminate hazards within the Company through risk identification, assessment, control and monitoring.

●      Ensure managers, supervisors and employees are aware of and accept their responsibility towards health and safety in their workplace.

●      Comply with relevant health and safety statutory, client and other requirements.

●       Strive for continuous improvement by setting health and safety objectives, plans and performance measurements aimed at eliminating work related injury and illness, and regularly reviewing progress against targets set.

●       Communicate and consult with our employees, clients and contractors on health and safety issues.

●       Report and record all incidents and identify causes for future prevention, where injury or illness has occurred, help our employees achieve full recovery through prompt treatment and active rehabilitation.

●       Allocate appropriate resources to meet Hebou commitment to health and safety.

●       Continue the development and implementation of an occupational health and safety management system in line with ISO 45001-2018.

●      All persons who work for Hebou have a personal responsibility for implementing the Policy. Health and Safety will take precedence over business objectives


Hebou Constructions strives to achieve mutually beneficial relationships with the communities that we work in. Hebou believes that community relations offer a significant benefit to all parties through improved communication, consultation and education. In this way, we can address public concern about our construction and understand previously unknown issues and opportunities. Hebou believes that giving back to the communities in which we work adds value to our company.

We are committed to building stronger links with the community and helping achieve positive outcomes by actively supporting youth and educational projects, charitable and community organisations. Hebou actively supports education and training for future generations of young Papua New Guineans by providing on the-job-training

Our Community Initiatives:

-    Providing pro-bono civil works for the Port Moresby General Hospital.

-    Funding of the annual operating costs of the Buk Bilong Pikinini Six Mile Library for the purpose of delivering early childhood literacy services.

-  Providing jobs and food to locals within the community at Saraga Street to ensure the street is kept safe, tidy for all to enjoy.

-    Providing funding to a number of sporting and social clubs in Port Moresby.